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Surface effect and size dependence on the energy release due to a nano InAs inclusion expansion in a

论文发布时间:[2010-01-20]    范文大全    编辑:Voive.net

所有作者:惠彤 陈宜亨


论文摘要:This paper deals with the surface effect and size dependence on the energy release due to a nano InAs inclusion expansion in an infinite plane GaAs matrix material under uni-axial or bi-axial loadings。 By accounting for the surface tension and the surface Lamẻ constants, the variable tendencies of the M-integral representing the energy release due to the inclusion expansion against the loading or against the inclusion radius are plotted and discussed in detail。 It is concluded that the surface effect inhibits the M-integral significantly and the M-integral may be either positive related to the energy release or negative related to the energy absorbing。 This is because the mutual interaction between the external loading and the surface effect yields an additional contribution to the M-integral, which is always negative and proportional to the external loading。

关键词: nano defect mechanics nano inclusion energy release energy absorbing M-integral

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