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Klein-Gordon and Dirac Bound States with Vector and Scalar Type-I Exponential Potentials

论文发布时间:[2009-11-12]    范文大全    编辑:Voive.net



论文摘要:This paper analyzes the relativistic bound states with the direct coupling of vector and scalar type-I exponential potentials, viz $(potential)$, for particular under the specific coupling of V(r)=S(r) for s-wave states。 To solve the Klein-Gordon equation(KGE) under such circumstances is the crucial work, and thanks to the complex formalism of the central potentials, it requires the replacements of both the independent and dependent variables for four times before we obtain a familiar structure of the dynamical equation。 In the first two steps, we deduce the most simplified formalism with n-ordered variable, assigned as the object equation。 For the specific case of n=-2, Euler equation occur; for n=-4, after a new series of transformation, a homogenous ODE with constant coefficients arises。 For generality, n in R and n neq -2, with a technical ansatz and twofold variable-replacement, the n-order component is removed and the object equation is transformed into Bessel equation for a>0, or modified Bessels equation for a0, the wave function has a kernel of Bessels function of the first kind; for a

关键词: Relativistic Wave Equation Type-I Exponential Potential Bound State Bessel Equation

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