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An Empirical Study of the Effect of Poor Internet Infrastructure on Perceived Risk of Using Internet

论文发布时间:[2010-04-22]    范文大全    编辑:Voive.net

所有作者:Fadi Wassouf

作者单位:School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology

论文摘要:It is very important to understand the customer’s perception and behaviour to enhance E-business。 This paper investigates in the indirect role of poor Internet infrastructure on user’s technology adoption through examining the relationship between poor internet infrastructure and users perceived risk in developing countries。 For this purpose the data was collected via survey from 121 Syrian bank customers whom have an internet access to test the impact of poor internet infrastructure on perceiving risk of adopting internet banking service。 The results of this survey showed that poor internet infrastructure contribute in explaining the variance of customers’ perceived risk in developing countries。 This paper ends up with broad observations and recommendations for further researches。

关键词: Poor internet infrastructure Perceived risk Internet banking Digit divide Technology acceptance

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