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Reservoir connectivity evaluation based on the reservoir architecture

论文发布时间:[2010-01-15]    范文大全    编辑:Voive.net

所有作者:尹太举 张昌民 龚福华


论文摘要:Reservoir connection is a key factor for water flooding recovery。 Ways for connection evaluation is though well test or radioactive injection and its output survey。 In fact there are great deference in permeability among different genetic sandbodies。 In L3 block the permeability of distributaty channel is 4 to 10 times higher than the other genetic sandbody such as levee, crevasse splay sand。 Because of its densely well space, we can get detailed genetic sandbodies distribution for every layer。 In the framework it is easy to evaluate the connectivity of every layer among inject wells and output wells based on the genetic sandbodies distribution。 Generally wells drilled on the same distributay channel or on the different channel sandbody which superposed together is well connected, while the wells suited on the channel and other genetic sand is poor connected。 In L3 fault block, the upper layer is better connected than lower layer。 The connectivity evaluation is proved by the output and press data。 As a summery we believe it is possible to evaluate the connectivity through reservoir architecture analysis

关键词: reservoir connectivity reservoir architecture fluid flow reservoir framework

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