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初中英语作文--No Breakfast, No Good600字初中生英语作文

更新时间:[2010-02-24]    范文大全    编辑:Voive.net

    “初中英语作文--No Breakfast, No Good”这篇极具参考价值的600字作文由VoiVe.Net收集于网络或会员供稿,版权归原作者所有;本站不承担任何相关法律责任,如有任何问题请及时联系我们。作文大全每日为您更新更多与“初中英语作文--No Breakfast, No Good”一样优秀的精品作文,请随时关注本站!你的支持就是我们最好的鼓励!本站会员原创作品,本站及作者共同享有版权,其他网站及传统媒体如需使用,务必请注明作文出处。

  No Breakfast, No Good

  Now a lot of students go to school in a hurry so that they have no time to have breakfast。 But not having breakfast will do harm to their health and their study。


  Having no breakfast will throw the normal work of our digestive system into confusion。 As a result, it will do harm to our health。 And at our age it is high time for us to grow up。 So our bodies are in great need of energy。 If we don't have breakfast,there will be not enough energy to supply。 This may stunt our growth。 VoiVe.Net

  What's more, it is a long period between breakfast and lunch。 Breakfast provides us with the energy needed for the class。 Without breakfast we cannot get along well with our classes。 So for the sake of our health and our study, we must have breakfast。 作文大全



  现在很多学生上学很匆忙,以至于没有时间吃早餐,但不吃早餐会有害于学生的健康和学习。 www.voive.net

  不吃早餐会扰乱我们消化系统的正常工作,从而对我们的身体健康产生危害。这个年龄段正是我们长身体的时候,所以我们的身体需要大量的能量。如果我们不吃早餐,就不会提供足够的能量,这会阻碍身体的发育。 作文大全VoiVe.Net

  另外,早餐与午餐之间。的时间很长。·;早餐可以为我们提供上课所需的能量,不吃早餐会影响我们上课。所以,为了我们的健康和学,习,我们必须吃早餐。 VoiVe.Net


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